Welcoming New Volunteers

During the Autumn, our newest members of the volunteer and staff team are undergoing their training ahead of supporting our work with Children, Young People and families. Once training is complete, they will join our fantastic volunteers in supporting people, often at some of the most vulnerable moments. The support offered makes a huge difference to those we work with as well as their wider family and community.
If you think you have what it takes, and a little time spare to support us, then we’d love to hear from you. If you’re worried that time, or your own experience may not be enough, we have other volunteering opportunities that aren’t directly working with families in areas such as admin, fundraising, and promotional activity and events.
Drop us a call or email to have a chat about our work and what you could do to support us, equally, what could you do with us to learn new skills or gain experience. admin@sandybear.co.uk or 01437700272. Or find us on social media.